BFA Show Pieces

So here is my entire BFA show that I put on just about a month ago. Over the next few weeks I will be starting to post more works in progress, but until then please enjoy!

Antur Castle the North Western region of the Continent of Antur

Arwyr the Human Warrior from Antur

Laef the Human Ranger from the Kubuto Region

Corrach the Dwarven Monk from Pydread

Dewin the Elven sorceress from Gwastraff

Draigo the Great Dragon of Cygbed

Fiaidd the King of Gors

The Heroes Facing a Giant in Valladat

Dewin and Twyll Going to Gwastraff

Emperor Madfall of Gwastraff

Lich King Malwraith of Pydread

Twyll Goblin Tusker Sneak from Gors