BFA Show Pieces

So here is my entire BFA show that I put on just about a month ago. Over the next few weeks I will be starting to post more works in progress, but until then please enjoy!

Antur Castle the North Western region of the Continent of Antur

Arwyr the Human Warrior from Antur

Laef the Human Ranger from the Kubuto Region

Corrach the Dwarven Monk from Pydread

Dewin the Elven sorceress from Gwastraff

Draigo the Great Dragon of Cygbed

Fiaidd the King of Gors

The Heroes Facing a Giant in Valladat

Dewin and Twyll Going to Gwastraff

Emperor Madfall of Gwastraff

Lich King Malwraith of Pydread

Twyll Goblin Tusker Sneak from Gors

Works in Progress for My Show

Just a quick update, this is the progress on a couple pieces that are now mostly finished (unlike there pictures).

My show is this Saturday May 14th, at 6:00 PM at Blakfyre Games in Pleasant Grove, Utah!

More Works in Progress

Dewin Elven Sorceress
This is the piece I am working on right now. I did a full turnaround of the character and am now just building it up. She will be using magic in both hands, and the environment will have large boulders and scattered rock debris. She will be casting spells so that will provide the light sources. It's going to be a simple composition. The environment she is in will be foggy, and diffuse the light to a degree.
The story to the piece is that she is facing an unknown enemy on her own, and she's getting ready to destroy them without hesitation, In the world this takes place in, the area she is in has a lot of zombies and fanatical necromancers. I may do a few fallen figures in the space between the two walls.

Bwa Human Ranger
This piece still has my turnaround on the bottom. He will be hanging from a tree looking out. The detail will be on him, and the leaves and what not will be very simple. This series of pieces will be about simplifying environments, which I have struggled to do in the past. There will be light coming from the between the leaves which will illuminate the character.

Corrach the Dwarven Monk
I have just recently gotten down his action pose, and he will be practicing a martial arts form in front of a Japanese inspired shrine. When I get this to the point of painting, it will be horizontal. I have some issues with my anatomy overall on this piece, but I am working on it. I still need to figure out lighting, but will have that resolved before I get to painting.

Work in Progress

I just wanted to spotlight a work in progress of mine, it's at about the 85% finished point. Like usual I went to color sooner than I should have. But it makes for a nice change of pace when I have been working in gray scale for a couple of weeks.

This is for my game "Heroes of Antur." It's the goblin king Fiaidd (Fee-aide). I have been using a lot of Aztec and Mayan influence with the region of the world he's from and have had a lot of fun with that.

The additions I will be making before this reaches my portfolio are all from the waist down on the king himself. The floor, his feet, and his hand on the left. I like the colors I am starting to get with it, they are nice and subtle. I will be adding in some opaque highlights as I finish up the rest of it.

Thanks for reading!
